Anne Frank

Anne Frank's hiding place is located in an empty section of the building owned by Otto Frank's company. While business continues, as usual, in the front part of the building, there are people hiding in the annex out back. Before too long, the entrance to the Secret Annex is concealed behind a movable bookcase.

All about Anne Frank and
her Family and how she hid in the annex and how she was discoverd
"Now our secret annex has truly become a secret.... Mr.Kugler thought it would be better to have a bookcase built in front of the entrance of our hiding place. It swings in and out like a door"
“It was around ten-thirty. I was upstairs with the Van Pelses in Peter’s room and I was helping him with his schoolwork. I was showing him the mistake in the dictation when suddenly someone came running up the stairs. The stairs were squeaking, I stood up, because it was still early in the morning and everyone was supposed to be quiet - then the door opened and a man was standing right in front of us with a gun in his hand and it was pointed at us.”
this was from Otto Frank
I still find it impossible to talk about certain things. And I no longer want to talk about other things. For instance how I felt when we were routed out of our hiding place."

Otto Frank, 1979
After a long journey, Otto Frank finally returns to Amsterdam on June 3, 1945. During this trip, he hears that his wife has died in Auschwitz. Though he is still hopeful that his daughters are alive. In Amsterdam, he is told that all four of the helpers have survived the war. Otto Frank s daughters had died as well Anne died at the age of fifteen she was to young to die.
"We travelled in a regular passenger train. The fact that the door was bolted did not matter very much to us...Anne would not move from the window. Outside it was summer. Meadows, stubble fields, and villages flew by. The telephone wires along the right of way curvetted up and down along the windows. It was like freedom."

Annelies marie Frank is born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt ammain Germany. she is the second daughter of Otto frank and ethian Frank Hollander. Her sister Margot is then three years old. the family is Jewish and German. The Frank and Hollander families have lived in Germany for centuries .
Anne's father worked at the family bank.
Her mum takes care of things at home.
its a carefree period for Margrat and Anne.
They have many friend's in the neighbourhood
where they live.